Sola Gratia

Sermon Series: The 5 Solas

Sermon Title: Sola Gratia

POINT 1 - SOLA GRATIA: WE ARE DEAD Ephesians 2:1-3

If a person does not know what they are being saved from, then they cannot truly be saved.

There are 3 things that influence in our sin:

1) The World - Think about cultural sins that we are prone to struggle with

2) Satan - Even right now satan is trying to mess you/us up! - Look out leaders of churches! - Gee I wonder why we had problems getting this service online...

3) Ourselves - We must know our own sin and it is what put Jesus on the cross

POINT 2 - SOLA GRATIA: BUT GOD - Ephesians 2:4-7

This is one of the greatest "buts" in all the Bible We are dead in our sin, BUT GOD!!!!

POINT 3 - SOLA GRATIA: IT'S A GIFT - Ephesians 2:8-9

Imagine the relief for Martin Luther to experience the relief of finding out salvation and the grace of God is a gift!!!!

Ask yourself these 2 questions:

1) What do I deserve?

2) What did I receive?

Thank you all so much for joining with us for this service!

If there is any way that we can pray for you please let us know!

You are so loved! Have a great week!

Graphite Bible Chapel